An all girl band from California. This is their fifth release. The girls were all 23 years old at the time of this recording. I have their fourth and sixth releases but the sixth was bought by the guy from Philly who bought 800 of my CDs in 2013. This is Hard Rock sounding like AC/DC or Van Halen. The playing is decent with some good guitar licks. I must have played this before because I knew “Please Don’t Tease” a Van Halen rip-off. I think it’s on my playlist. It comes with a DVD that I decided to watch. It has an interview with Andy Dick, and a documentary of the recording of the CD and video of the band members fooling around. There is also a live performance of one of the songs and a video of the single “Take It Off”. They put out two more after this, the last in 2012. They broke up after that.