The third album from this great British band. I bought this one in 1972 when it was released and was certainly one of my first 100 records. The album has a medieval theme to it not only because of the cover designed by Hipgnosis but also the songs on side two. Their blend of Rock and Progressive music is led by the twin guitars of Andy Powell and Ted Turner and the harmony vocals of Powell and bassist Martin Turner. Steve Upton is the drummer. Really love this album, played it hundreds of times. I heard most of these songs on WMMR at the time and this turned out to be their best selling record. “Time Was” the first song like many of their songs starts off acoustic before going electric. This nearly 10 minute song features the harmony guitars of Powell and Turner. “Sometime World” with another acoustic beginning has a second part with a scorching solo by Andy Powell. “Blowin’ Free” is one of their best known songs and heard on the radio quite often then. Side two is a suite of songs that go along with the cover. “The King Will Come” has a solo by Ted Turner, “Leaf And Stream” is an acoustic track written by drummer Steve Upton. “Warrior” is another one of their more popular songs. “Throw Down The Sword” closes the record and brings the tempo down a bit. Most of the songs are nearly 6 minutes or longer. Again one of my favorite records it still plays pretty good although the cover is in poor shape. Another one I had on my wall as art at one time.