I was looking through the new additions used records at the store in Ephrata about three or four yeas ago and found two albums by Toyah Wilcox. The name sounded familiar and was sure I had heard it before but couldn’t remember. They were each $3 and they looked interesting and I wondered what the music sounded like so I bought both of them. She is married to Robert Fripp which was where I had heard her name. Both records are from the early 80’s this one from 1982. The music has a New Wave sound with some Gothic influences and is keyboard heavy. Toyah’s singing sounds like many female singers of that time bringing to mind Siouxsie Sioux, Hazel O’Conner, Lena Lovich, and even Gilli Smyth at times. I played side one a couple of times. I liked “Street Creatures”, “The Druids” and “Angel & Me”. Side two was also pretty good. This is on the Safari label from London and is a U.K. import that has not been released in the U.S. It came with a four page booklet with lyrics and poetry by Toyah. The record and cover are in good shape.