This is one I bought new in 1982 shortly after getting married. We were living at Oak Tree Apartments in Newark near the Maryland border. There was a stretch of road in front of our apartment where people would race their cars on weekends. I remember sitting on my balcony watching them a few times. This was the last record they made until Endless Wire in 2006. I had a copy of that I downloaded. I didn’t like it much. This one is not too bad but my least favorite record of theirs I own. The best songs are on side one but “Cry If You Want” the last on side two is pretty good. “Athena” was released as a single and just cracked the U.S,. Top 40. “Dangerous” is one of three written by Entwistle and is another rocker. The last song on side one is “Eminence Front” another of their best known songs. With a great long intro with synth and guitar it’s the best song on the record.