This is the fourth and final album from the band. Released in 1993 this is one I originally had on cassette. This is a 2022 reissue on clear vinyl. Tweedy and Farrar added John Stirratt, Ken Commer and Max Johnston to the band making it a quintet for the first time. All but one song credited to Farrar/Tweedy withy each singing and playing guitar on their songs. The one cover is “Give Back The Key To My Heart” by Doug Sahm who sings on that one. Haven’t played this record yet but when I had the cassette I liked “Chickamauga”, “Anodyne” and “Acuff-Rose”. Farrar and Tweedy were not getting along at this point and after a tour the band broke up. Farrar formed Son Volt with former drummer Mike Heidorn and two others while Tweedy took the remaining members of the band and formed Wilco. Son Volt stayed closer the Alt-Country of Uncle Tupelo and Wilco had a more Alternative or Indie sound. Both bands are still active today.