This is one I found in the dollar bins at the Ephrata store about five years ago. I had heard the first song “Change Partners” a few times on the radio but did not know any of the others. The first two lines of “Know You Got To Run” are the same as the first two in “Everybody I Love You” from C.S.N.&Y.’s Deja Vu album. “Bluebird Revisited” is a reworking of the Buffalo Springfield song. Upon hearing “Marianne” I recognized as a song I had heard before most likely in the early 70’s. “Word Game” is a song he performed when I saw Crosby, Stills and Nash at the University of Delaware sometime in the late 90’s.Although Stephen plays most of the instruments, he does get help from David Crosby on backing vocals and extra guitar from Nils Lofgren, Eric Clapton, and Jerry Garcia. Not a bad record but it is not in good shape. A small sheet was attached to the shrink-wrap on some releases with the correct lyrics to many of the songs which were incorrectly printed on the inside of the gatefold cover. The previous owner cut it out with the shrink-wrap attached and put it inside the cover. Probably headed for the trash.