Another good album from Renaissance from early ’77. “Midas Man” was a song I taped off the radio and put on one of my mix tapes around that time. It’s the only song I knew from the album when I bought it. Side one has two songs, the 13 and a half minute “Can You Hear Me?” which segues into “The Sisters”. The first i a typical Renaissance song with a piano introduction,Annie’s wonderful voice and an interesting quiet middle section interruped by loud chanting. “The Sisters” is a nice ballad with piano and acoustic guitar. “Midas Man” starts off side two,I always liked the mix of acoustic guitar,bass,and synths on that song. “The Captive Heart” is another quiet song while the nine minute “Touching Once(IsSo Hard To Keep)” is anothe song with many tempo changes and moods. This is the last of their records I ever wanted to buy as they got less Progressive after this. I bought this used record a few years ago not realizing I alrerady had it but with the original U.S. release cover that was discontinued in favor of the one released worldwide. I decided to keep the newer one I had.