Beth Orton is an English singer songwriter who plays what is called Electronic Folk. I first heard her music when I bought her third release Central Reservation on cassette and loved it. I then later bought Trailer Park, Daybreaker and the EP Best Bit on CD and love them as well. Originally released in 2002, this is a 2015 re-issue on vinyl on the Parlophone label,acording to Discogs only released in the U.K. and Europe. A great album like everything she does with four awesome tracks “Paris Train”,”Concrete Sky”,”Mount Washington” and “Ted’s Waltz” all played fairly regulary on WXPN which I listened to all the time back then. I like the electronic beep that runs through “Mount Washington”.”Carmella” is also a very good song,nothing on this record I didn’t like. Always looking for her earlier records on vinyl but haven’t seen any yet.