Absolutly my favorite Van Morrison album. I bought this in 1997 on cassette as there was almost nothing released on vinyl then. I waited twenty years for it to be reissued on vinyl. There is a lot of sax on these songs and Van plays harmonica on three. Every song on side one is awesome. I love the beat in “Fire In The Belly”,I could listen to that all day. “Rough God Goes Riding” and “This Weight” are also excellent. “Piper At The Gates Of Dawn” is based on the book The Wind In The Willows with Paddy Moloney of The Chieftains playin the pipes. Georgie Fame plays organ and adds backing vocals often echoing Van’s lyrics especially in the wonderful title track, the last on the record. “Burning Ground” which opens side two is also a great song. No less than five songs from this record are on my playlist.