Their second lbum and the last to feature Boz Scaggs who went on to a succesful solo career. It’s a rather uneven albim woth the first song “Song For Our Ancesters” an instrumental with about a minute ofa foghorn at the beginning. It does have “Living In The U.S.A.” ,one of his signature songs,and a bona-fide classic,ending side one. Side two is better overall with two great songs “Quicksilver Girl” and “Overdrive”. “Gangster Of Love” is sandwiched between “Luck Mam” and “Your So Fine” and the ide ends with a Boz Scaggs tune “Dime A Dance Romance” with a rhythm that sounds like “Satisfaction”. This is a U.K. import re-issue on the Fame label from 1983. I bought it in 86 or 87 when I was living in Claymont at the record tore in Penny Hill . Don’t remember if it was new or used.