Their album from 1975. One I bought when it came out. A little dissapointed when I first listened to it. There are a few to many ballads on this one. Side one starts off good with “Fast Buck Freddie” It is followed by “Miracles” written and sung by the returning Marty Balin making it an 8 piece band. It is the bands biggest hit reaching number 3 on the top 40 charts. I hated this song when it came out,now I don’t think it’s too bad.”Git Fiddler” isa Funky Papa John Creach instrumental and the side closes with two more ballad type songs. Side two is the one I always listened to. “Play On Love” was the second single from the record and one I did like followed br another David Freiberg, Robert Hunter collaberation called “Tumblin'” another ballad but one I liked. “I Want To See Another World” is the most rocking song on the record and my favorite .”Sandalphon” is an interesting Pete Sears instrumental and the final song is “There Will Be Love”, another love song,and one I liked. Not pleased with the soft rock direction the band was taking it was the last new album I would buy of theirs until 1984’s Nuclear Furniture.