This album came out in 1971 and was one of the first records I bought. It’s hard to believe some of these early records have survived all these years. They have been though a lot. I remember hearing many of these songs on my little AM radio in the late 60’s. The record itself is very thin and flexable, called Dynaflex the liner notes say it is the newest in technology. I must say after 50 years the record still sounds pretty good,no skips or scratchiness. The songs are all great though some are in edited versions and their is a heavy dose of songs from their latest record Share The Land(all of side two).This record featured new guitarist Kurt Winter who replaced Randy Bachman who left to for Bachman Turner Overdrive. His guitar at the end of “Hang On To Your Life was the some of the first long soloing I had heard. Singer Burton Cummings left in 1975. Since then they have had several reunions with various members returning.