This come out in October of 1979. A double album,its pretty good but it’s not Rumors 2. Buckingham wanted a more experimental record than Rumors and most of his 8 songs have a similar sound.Of his songs I like “What Makes You Think You’re The One” and “Not That Funny”,both on side two,the best. Again it’s Stevie Nick’s songs I like the best,”Sisters Of The Moon”,”Sara”,and “Beautiful Child”.Christine McVie’s song “Brown Eyes” is also a favorite,I like the kind of haunting sound of it. I got this record as one of my ten or twelve records I got for a quarter or whatever it was when I joined Colombia House Record Club for the third time in 1980.I never bought the ten records I was supposed to buy,I used my future father-in -laws address and moved to Maryland shortly after that,so thy couldn’t track me down. This is a record my wife played a lot so it is in pretty bad shape,lots of heavy scratches and skips.