After Bob Welch left the band in 1974 Mick Fleetwood was introduced to Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks and he asked them to join the band.This was released in July of 1975 and became their biggest selling record until Rumors two years later.This is a classic with not a bad song on it. During 75-76 it was heard everywhere,every party I went to it was played. I guess my favorite songs on it are by Stevie Nicks, “Rhiannon”,”Crystal”,and “Landslide”. I love the long organ fade out at the end of “Crystal”,it sounds almost Progressive. Christine McVie’s songs “Over My Head” and “Say You Love Me” were released as singles and are also vewry good. “Blue Letter” is a Country sounding song written by two friends of Buckingham and Nicks.”World Turning” is a song that features John McVie’s bass and is when Mick Fleetwood does his drum solo in concert. The record begins and ends with two Buckingham songs “Monday Morning” and “I’m So Afraid” where he shows off his guitar playing skills. I never bought this record back in the day,since it was heard all the time. I bought a new copy of this album in 2016. For once it’s a new release that sounds really good.