This record was released on my birthday in 1976,I don’t think I bought it then but shortly after then. This is my favorite Dylan album as much for the music as anything else.The instrumentation is sparse using only drums,bass and Scarlet Rivera’s violin. There is some rhythm guitar here and there played by Dylan.There is also the backing vocals of Emmylou Harris whose sweet voice seems to go well with Dylan’s rougher singing. These musicians all were part of his Rolling Thunder Review who were touring as this album was being made. Side one is the best starting off with “Hurricane” a song about boxer Rubin Carter serving time for murder. Dylan argues he was framed. Carter was released in 1985. “Isis” is one of the many story songs on the record and along with “Hurricane” were the songs that received the most airplay on the radio,but it’s the last three songs on the side that I like the best. “Mozambique” is a bouncy fun song,”One More Cup Of Coffee” is a duet with Harris and “Oh Sister” another duet with Harris is a somber song about love and one I really like. Side two opens with “Joey” about mobster Joe Gallo who was murdered one year after being released from prison. I love the chorus. It is followed by two more story songs. The last song on the record “Sara” is a touching song about the breakup of his marriage with Dylan almost crying out Sara in the chorus. Unfortunately there is some kind of smudge on both sides of the record from the outer edge to about an inch in making about half of the first song on each side unplayable. I’ll be looking for a good used copy.