Divine Horsemen-Time Stands Still

This is the first album by the Divine Horseman. It features his wife at the time Julie Christensen on backup vocal and various member of the L.A. Punk/Cowpunk scene bands like X,The Blasters, Tex And The Horseheads,The Gun Club plus Bill Bateman from Chris D.’s former band The Flesh Eaters. This music is in the Alt-Country/Cowpunk vein and is mostly acoustic. It sounds Ok if you can get by Chris’s Gothic Nick Cave like vocals. “Sanctuary” is a good song and it’s hard not to like “Little Sister” with some violin featured. I had three of their later albums on cassette but had never seen this record until I bought this used copy a few years ago. In 1988 he disbanded The Divine Horsemen and re-formed The Flesh Eaters putting out three more record in the 90’s. I had two of those on cassette. In 2019 the original Flesh Eaters put out a new record. I haven’t seen it but if I do I might pick it up

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