Always think of this as “Hey Jude” but the label calls it “The Beatles Again”. It’s a collection of singles that didn’t appear on any of their albums. An “original”,what I’m calling the first 150 or so records I bought when I was living at home until I moved out in 78. One of the first records I ever bought probably 71 or 72. I remember walking home from school with friends singing it and making up our own words for it in 68 when “Hey Jude” was released. Growing up in western Pa. in the mid 60’s The Beatles were the first band I really started listening to. I bought their bubblegum cards at the neighborhood store.They were only a nickle! Before The Beatles the only music I remember are hymns we sang in church and some kids records we got from some kind of soap product. One day I found some 45’s in a graveyard that was up the hill from our house. I took them home and they were my first records. One was called “Buglers Holiday” another was by Duane Eddy and his Twangy Guitar. I believe “The Deadwood Stage” by Doris Day was one of them. Thinking about it now I don’t know if someone was throwing them away or some loved ones favorite records put there as a memorial. This was the music I had to listen to listen to in 64. I don’t remember any other music from this period of my life.