A two disc tribute to Pink Floyd on Cleopatra Records. Focusing most on their earlier work there are three tracks from the Syd Barrett years, two from their ’67 debut and one from their second the last with Barrett. Psychic TV starts it of with “Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun” followed by Controlled Bleeding doing an extended “Another Brick In The Wall(Parts 1 & 2)” one that I thought was good. According to the liner notes Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here were off limits although Din covers the instrumental “On The Run” extending it to almost 8 minutes. Alien Sex Fiend trims down the 20 minute “Echoes” down to 7 minutes leaving out the scary middle section. Spiral Realms, a band containing Ex-Hawkwind violinist Simon House plays “Interstellar Overdrive” Nik Turner another Hawkwind alumni part of their mid 70’s line-up that included House and Lemmy on base recorded “Careful With That Axe, Eugene” making it sound more like Hawkwind than Pink Floyd. Helios Creed of Chrome gives “Pigs On The Wing” the industrial treatment with distorfted guitars and vocals. Two more I liked was “Let There Be More Light” from the second album(1969) by Pressurehead and Farflung doing “The Nile Song” from Pink Floyd’s More Soundtrack album.