Another tribute CD from the Magna Carta label. This is a tribute to Genesis with many of the same bands contributing as were on the Yes CD. Again most are pretty close to the original. 7 of the 14 songs are from the Peter Gabriel era and 7 from when Phil Collins took over. Over The Garden Wall, Magellan, Shadow Gallery and Cairo do faithful renditions of “Firth Of Fifth”, “Mama”, “Entangled” and “Squonk”. Annie Haslam sings “Ripples” backed by various keyboards and Richard Sinclair, of Caravan, sings “For Absent Friends”. Kevin Gilbert’s take on “Back In N.Y.C.” starts with mellow acoustic first verse before going electric and ends with a tuba solo fadeout. Peter Barden’s Mirage featuring members of Caravan and Camel cover “Many Too Many” I have another Genesis tribute CD. I think I will play that one tomorrow.