Two EPs from Luna. After Galaxie 500 broke up in 1991 Dean Wareham formed a new band with
Justin Harwood of New Zealand band The Chills and Stanley Demeski of The Feelies. Sean Eden was added as a second guitarist. This line-up stayed together for their first three albums. EP from 1996 has this original line-up. “Sideshow By The Seaside” is one of the best songs from their third album Penthouse. The other five tracks are outtakes from that record. There is a Talking Heads cover and one from Tom Rush “No Regrets” that isv another good one.
Close Cover Before Striking is from 2002 and features the new line-up of Wareham, Sean Eden plus new drummer Lee Wall and bassist Britta Phillips who Wareham later married. There are 7 songs on this EP , two of them covers. 2 of the better songs are The Rollins Stone’s “Waiting On A Friend” and “Neon Lights” a song by Kraftwerk. “Astronaut” and “New Haven Comet” are also good. This enhavced CD also has 2 videos from their Romantica album released at the same time.