A one-off CD by ex Guns N’ Roses guitarist Gilby Clarke and Slim Jim Phantom of The Stray Cats. Also in the band was Teddy Andreadis another G N’R touring member and Muddy Sunshine(not sure who he is but last name seems to be Dutton). This is a great collection of 70’s style Rock sounding like The Rolling Stones or Faces. “Pills” is a Bo Diddley song covered by The New York Dolls and this version sounds just like that one. They also cover “Mercedes Benz”. The last song “Lord Only Knows” a great soulful song was a surprise. Driving back from my brother’s house in Elkton last week and listening to my playlist on a USB this song came on. Almost all of the songs have imbedded song titles and album covers but this one read simply Track 12. I was thinking “wow this is a good song I wonder who does it”. Now I know.