This is volume XX, the last in the ECM labels :rarum series. A great collection of Jazz artists who compiled their own favorites to put on the disks. Each CD is in a digipak tri fold cover with 24 page booklets with artist bio’s, photos, liner notes and a discography of every ECM release the artist has played on. Each cover is a different color. About half are European artists the other American. I managed to buy all 20 of them at Borders between 2002 and 2005. Bought everyone I saw in the store and special ordered ones that weren’t. I will be listening to a few of them during this countdown to August 31st. I have listened to a couple tracks on each CD but none all the way through. 9 tracks on this one which all sound very good. The first track the 16 minute “Personal Mountains” is a Keith Jarrett composition recorded live with his European quartet in which Norwegian Jon Christensen is the drummer. A beautiful piece it starts out pretty fast with sax by Jan Garbarek and after a short drum solo it mellows out with some nice piano and sax interplay. Another standout track is “Per Ulv” written by Terje Rypdal who plays some electric guitar. A couple other tracks feature Ralph Towner on 12 string acoustic guitar. All these artists also have their own CD in the series.