This is from my Jam Band collection which numbers about thirty including 6 of the Infamous LivePhish vinyl notebook CDs and two Instant live CDs of The Allman Brothers and Phil Lesh shows that I bought 30 minutes after the concerts completion. This is a double CD from 1996 at over 141 minutes compiled of shows from 1995. Some good jams in the longer tracks “Mulling It Over>Closing Down The Park”, “Mountain Cry”, “Alone”, “Go Outside And Drive>Low Rider>Go Outside And Drive”, And “Sweet Talking Hippie” all over 15 minutes long. Most feature John Popper’s electrified harmonica but also the guitar of Chan Kinchla. I first heard of this band in the early 90’s when listening to WMMR at work and bought their first four releases on cassette. I did get to see part of their show at the Bonnaroo festival I went to.