I never liked CDs mainly because they drove vinyl records out of business. In the early 90’s when record companies stopped releasing music in the vinyl format I started buying cassettes. They were cheaper than CDs and being analog they sounded really good. Of course they had their problems; the cassette mechanism could get jammed, the tape could get eaten by the player, and it wasn’t easy to skip a track. Eventually the cassettes went away also leaving the CD as the only remaining format. These CDs were bought between the late 90’s and 2011 and were bought at either Borders or the stores in West Reading and Ephrata. CDs went out of favor as more people started listening to streaming services and MP3 players. Vinyl started making a comeback around 2010 and I have not bought a CD since then. I see some companies are even putting out releases on cassette. So back to the CDs. With the solo artists added to the 300 or so I have alphabetized in a revolving tower that should take about a year and a half to listen to. Like I said I was buying so many it was just too much to listen to and most of these CDs were never listened to at all except maybe the first couple tracks. After listening to the rich sound of vinyl records the CDs sound flat. I have since decided to go through all my CDs (Progressive, Psychedelic, Soul, Dance, Solo artists, Christian, Jazz, Jam Bands, Industrial, Blues and Ambient as well as the 300 alphabetized Rock CDs) and pick out ones to listen to lasting a year. I will see how this works out so the last one I listen to will be on August 31, 2025 ending with the letter Z
Starting with The Afghan Whigs, a band from Cincinatti. Led by Greg Dulli this is their fifth album. The previous album Gentlemen I had on cassette along with a couple others and two on CD. I bought a vinyl version of that album in 2014. This has been reissued on vinyl also. This sounds similar to the Gentlemen album and is also very good. Most of the songs are in the Rock vein with a little Soul mixed in. A couple slower songs but most are up-tempo. This as with most of these CDs I would like to listen to again but who has the time? The CD comes with a booklet with photos, liner notes and lyrics. Because the booklet is so small lyrics are hard to read, another reason I didn’t like CDs. Plus I hated the plastic cases.