Another used record I bought for $4. I hadn’t heard any of these songs except for “Tube Steak Boogie” and “Pearl Necklace”, both double entendres of a sexual nature. They are the best songs on the record which came out in 1981. Getting away from their guitar driven Blues and Boogie Rock they started using synthesizers and drum machines on this record, a trend that would continue on their next few records. “Leila” is a Country flavored ballad and “It’s so Hard” sounds like an R&B song. Others like “Ten Foot Pole”, “Groovy Little Hippie Pad” and “Heaven Hell Or Houston” are just a little too weird. There next record Eliminator had some good songs like “Got Me Under Pressure” but songs like “Gimmie All Your Lovin'”, “Legs” and “Sharp Dressed Man” were overplayed especially the videos on MTV. I had their next three or four releases on vinyl, or CD but they were sold in 2013.
This marks the end of my five year four month and 22 day challenge to listen to every record I own. The total was 1,969. What started as a kind of joke on April 1 2019, that I never really thought I would complete, has led to something I looked forward to when I was working. On second shift I got off at 2:30 when working 10 hours and 12:30 when working eight. It was a great way to wind down and take my dose of smoking material and maybe a few beers on Friday night. Once I retired in July of 2013 with over a year still to go it was not quite as eagerly looked forward to but still enjoyable. This process allowed me to decide whether I didn’t like the music anymore and could sell it or if was in really bad shape to trash it. Because of that I sold about 100 albums and trashed about fifty but also buying as many new ones during the nearly 5 and a half years of this project. Now that I’ve been doing this so long I feel that I have to keep going. I still have around 500 CDs that are left after selling about 800 in 2013. Haven’t bought a CD since 2011, they were never a media I liked. All the CDs that were sold were ones that most people would know leaving a lot of unfamiliar artists and bands. Most if not all of these CDs have never been played all the way through. I have decided to start listening to them on Sunday September 1st. I’ll start with about 350 in what I would call the “Rock” category that are alphabetized. Others are grouped in genres like male and female solo artists, Soul, Jazz, Industrial, Christian, Ambient and Techno and Progressive and Psychedelic in no particular order. There’s not much demand for used CDs not sure what I’ll do with ones I don’t care for.