This is a record of guitar solos released in 1988. 19 tracks on the vinyl and 32 on the CD. It’s one I bought then when I was living in Upper Darby. There was a musical instrument store across from The Tower Theatre that had this record displayed in the window so I went in and bought one of them. It’s the only one of my Zappa records I didn’t sell in 1991. Maybe because it was the last one I bought or because it was an instrumental album . I don’t remember. It’s a two record set with a gatefold cover with liner notes on the inside listing the recording date and location, sound engineers and musicians. Recorded between ’79 and ’84 some solos you can tell which song they came from others you can’t. “Outside” is the solo from that song from Joe’s Garage, one of my favorites from that album. “Watermelon In Easter Hay” also from that album is edited down from the 9 minute solo on Joe’s Garage. Other titles are made up, some humorous. He is backed by a six piece band on all the tracks playing different tempos and rhythms. Most of thev tracks flow from one to the other without missing a beat, a couple are jarring one fades out. Ike Willis and Ray White play on most of the tracks. They were in a band called Project Object with some other Zappa alumni that I saw at one of the Flood City Music Festivals in Johnstown that I went to, playing Zappa’s music.