The last of the four albums featuring former Turtles Howard Kaylan, Mark Volman and Jim Pons. Original Mothers Of Invention members Don Preston and Ian Underwood are also in this band, shortened to The Mothers. Aynsley Dunbar plays drums. This was one of the 15 or so Zappa records I bought of the guy in Delaware in 1987 who needed some drug money. It was sold like all my Zappa records in 1991. This was one of my favorites and was lucky to find a used copy at my first visit to The Vinyl Closet, the store at the end of Egypt Rd. near Norristown. This is a live one recorded at the UCLA campus in L.A on August 7 1971. A great record filled with comedy, parody, some great playing and vocals by Kaylan and Volman (Flo and Eddie). Side one is nearly 25 minutes of “Billy The Mountain” It’s a rather silly story about a mountain with his wife Ethel who was a tree growing out of his shoulder. Billy and Ethel take a trip to Las Vegas wrecking havoc and later get drafted. Narrated by Kaylan with Volman adding little asides it is filled with jabs and references at the government, hippies, Jerry Lewis, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Johnny Carson, Neil Sedaka, and L.A. neighborhoods and stores. Every time I listen to this I hear something I hadn’t noticed before. In between the narration are some good singing with a nice jam near the end. Side two starts with “Call Any Vegetable” from their Absolutely Free album with a nice little solo by Zappa. “Eddie Are You Kidding” is another comedy song with Flo and Eddie making jokes about a clothing store in L.A. “Magdalena” is an irreverent song about incest but done in a comical way, If that’s possible. Love the vocals from Flo and Eddie especially the “walk on back” ending. Always liked that song. “Dog Breath” from Uncle Meat closes the record with another good solon by Zappa. In December of that year Zappa and the band’s equipment was destroyed by the fire at Montreux as told by the Deep Purple song “Smoke On The Water”. Two weeks later at a show at The Rainbow in London using rented equipment Zappa was pushed off the stage by someone in the audience and suffered some major injuries causing the end of this version of The Mothers. Flo and Eddie embarked on a solo career.