This is a 25th anniversary reissue from 2020. It’s a two record set with a gatefold cover. Another one I have on CD. It’s their typical collection of Indie, Shoegaze, Pop, and Noise Rock that make up their records. “Tom Courtenay” was released as a single and one I remembered hearing on the radio in the 90’s. “Flying Lesson (Hot Chicken #1)” has some Noise Rock elements. If you didn’t know better you would think you were listening to Sonic Youth. “The Ballad Of Red Buckets” has some Psychedelic sounding guitar while “The Hour Grows Late” and “Don’t Say A Word (Hot Chicken #2)” are mellow mostly acoustic songs. “Attack On Love” is more Noise Rock and the last track “Blue Line Swinger” is another good mostly instrumental tune. Again on Matador the pressing sounds good.