After releasing three mediocre albums in ’76 and ’77,one of which I bought new, Locked In, and two used ones I bought later but ended up selling all three, they put out another really good one. Their 9th album and one I bought in the fall of 1978 shortly before moving out of my parents house. I remember playing this mostly at the house on Pyle St. It was one my roommate liked especially “You See Red” the first track and a great rocker. “Baby The Angles Are Here” with a great mellow guitar solo and “Ships In The Sky” are more laid back but very good. “Stand And Deliver” the last on side one almost has a Heavy Metal sound. With new guitarist Laurie Wisefield adding his voice to Andy Powell’s and Martin Turner’s the add some three part harmony to “Anger In Harmony” on side two. The last song “The Way Of The World” is a two part one at over 9 and a half minutes and is a concert favorite. The first part is a little mellow with the second part featuring their dueling guitars. A real scorcher. Their last great album. I had several more released after this including Number The Brave with John Wetton on bass and Nouveau Calls their record in the No Speak instrumental series om I.R.S. Records and Strange Affair that I had on CD.