The second solo album from Joe Walsh after leaving The James Gang. He again uses his band Barnstorm comprised of Joe Vitale and Kenny Passarelli and added Rocke Grace on keyboards. One I bought new in 1973 when it came out. A great record with the first track “Rocky Mountain Way” a Rock classic with an early use of the guitar “talkbox”. That is followed by two more mellow songs “Bookends” and “Wolf” then a cool instrumental “Midnight Moodies” with Joe Vitale playing some flute. The side ends with the Carribean influenced “Happy Ways”. Side two starts with “Meadows” another one heard on the radio occasionally. The last three songs “Dreams”, “Days Gone By”, and “Daydream(Prayer)” have a Todd Rundgren sound to them and all seem to run together with some more flute on “Days Gone By”. Unfortunately, the cover is in very bad shape and the record has lots of crackles and pops, what I call scratchyness since it’s been played many, many times. This one is destined for the trash.