If you put this record on you would think it was a collection of 60’s hits. But no, this record came out in 1984. The first record from this New York band is a very good collection of Psychedelic, Pop, and Garage music. I bought this one in 1985 when I was living in Hull. Lots of fuzz guitar and harmony vocals, no synthesizers or electronic drums. Side one is what I like best with “Nothing’s From Today”, “Now I Remember” and “Medication” great Psychedelic tracks with “Cheated And Lied” and Tellin’ Those Lies” more Pop sounding like something from The Monkees. “Tears(Only Dry)” is another Pop song on side two. “Aint Nothing Like Her” and “Borrowed Time” are more Garage Rock type songs. This is on the PVC label. The record has been reissued in 2021 with four bonus tracks. There are quite a few bands with this name, this one put out a few more records in the 80’s and early 90’s but I have never seen any of them.