The debut album from this band from Wisconsin. This came out in 1982 and I bought this reissue about five years ago. It’s their best selling record with their best known songs. “Blister In The Sun” is heard on the radio quite often and even in a commercial. It’s an OK song but I’m not crazy about it. Two days ago on Jeopardy there was a category of their announcer speaking lyrics to songs and they wanted the artist who recorded them. Lyrics were quoted from “Blister In The Sun” but none of the contestants knew the answer(or the question as it goes on that show). I like “Add It Up”, “Gone Daddy Gone”, and “To The Kill” better. Their Punk and Alternative sound is anchored by Brian Richie’s bass while Gordon Gano’s vocals remimded me of Jonathan Richman of The Modern Lovers. Not a bad record but I’m not interested in hearing anything else by this band. They put out a total of 10 records, the last in 2019.