In 1993 The Velvet Underground’s original members, Lou Reed, John Cale, Sterling Morrison and Maureen Tucker reunited for a tour of Europe. This was recorded over three nights in June in Paris. This four record set is on blue vinyl. I originally had this on a two cassette set but was sold in 2013 with all my other cassettes. In 2014 I saw this vinyl edition at the Ephrata store and bought it then. With a $70 price tag it was a little expensive but I had to have it. Many of the songs from yesterdays compilation album are on here plus some I was not familiar with. Lou plays some great guitar especially on the 15 minute jam “Hey Mr. Rain where he trades licks with Cale’s viola. John Cale takes the lead vocal on “All Tomorrows Parties” and “Femme Fatal” originally sung by Nico. Maureen Tucker sings on two light hearted songs “Afterhours: and “I’m Sticking With You”. “Sweet Jane” and “Rock ‘N’ Roll are also here but sound better on Lou’s Rock And Roll Animal live record. One new song “Coyote” appears as the last song on side 8. They sound pretty good for the most part but it is not the best mix, the sound is a little muddled. The records have some very bad areas with lots of pops and clicks, either a bad pressing or it needs a good cleaning. You can see some type of residue on the records.