This is their firth album from 1982. I recorded their first two off the radio on cassette but don’t have them now. This is a new reissue I bought at Barnes & Noble about six or seven years ago. Of the twelve songs on this record there are only three new Van Halen Songs. “Secrets”, “Little Guitars” and “The Full Bug” are good typical Van Halen Songs. There are three short guitar instrumentals and “Hang ‘Em High” is a re-working of a 1977 demo. Of the five covers I like “Where Have All The Good Times Gone” an Early Kinks song the best. Also very popular was their covers of “(Oh) Pretty Woman” and “Dancing In The Street”. “Big Bad Bill(Is Sweet William Now)” is a song from the 1920’s and “Happy Trails” is the song Roy Rogers and Dale Evans used to close their 50’s TV show. A good album although only 31 minutes long they make the covers sound like their own.