After Pawn Hearts from 1971 the band broke up again with Hammill releasing several solon albums from ’71 to ’75. In 1975 they got back together again and released this record in 1976. I bought this then shortly after buying Pawn Hearts and H To He. Four tracks on this one, the first produced by the band themselves. A little more accessible than their earlier work, less experimentation, more traditional song structures. Three of the songs, all around ten minutes long are classic V.D.G.G. songs. “Scorched Earth”, “Arrow” and “Sleepwalkers” are very good, the 7 minute “The Undercover Man ” a little less so. They put out two more records with this line-up before Banton and Jackson left. I had World Record that came out in 1977 but sold it. Again, pretty scratchy sounding but no skips.