Album number 7 and one I bought in 1974 when it was released. Starting a downward trend this is one that I can’t even remember the last time I put this one on. Pretty much abandoning their Heavy Metal and Progressive roots these songs are more slower and mellow. Side one has “Suicidal Man” the most straight ahead rocker on the album but also a crappy ballad “The Easy Road”. Side two must have been what I listened to most because I knew those four songs. “Something Or Nothing” released as a single and “We Got We” sound like they were trying to make a Top 40 Pop song. “I Won’t Mind” is a good Blues track with a blistering solo by Mick Box on the long fadeout. That and “Suicidal Man” are the best songs on the record. “Dreams” the last song is a more typical Uriah Heep song with synthesizer and guitar sounding like it might be from The Magician’s Birthday. One I could probably do without. The last record with Gary Thain as he died from a drug overdose in 1975 at the age of 27. Replaced by John Wetton for a couple of years. Had their next record Return To Fantasy but liked it even less and sold it a long time ago.