Bought this in 1974 after hearing “Bridge Of Sighs” on the radio. My first taste of Robin Trower solo work. Love this record and played it many many times. Went to play it about 12 years ago when I was living in Bally but couldn’t find it. Perhaps I had trashed it at one point because it was in bad shape or maybe it was another one that was lost. I wouldn’t have sold it. I found this copy about ten years ago at Jupiter Records in Delaware for $2. It’s an original pressing as mine was because it has the green coloring on the cover. Later issues has a more pale cover. The title track and “Too Rolling Stoned” are great Stoner Rock songs. “Day Of The Eagle” and “Little Bit Of Sympathy” are great Rockers. “In This Place” and “About To Begin” are the more mellow spacey songs that are on each of his early records. Looking at the record before I put it on I saw lots of scratches and smudges. Didn’t know how it would sound but was surprised to find it sounded really good. They don’t make them like they used to.