Another one of my free records I got when I joined the Columbia House Record Club. 12 records for a penny. My sister got six and so did I. Their fourth album from early 1970. They have arrangements of songs by Elton John, Randy Newman, Mann/Weil, and Paul Williams. “Mama Told Me (Not To Come)”, and “Out In The Country” were both big top 40 hits and I remember hearing them on my AM transistor radio I had. There are two good rockers on this record I always liked “Woman” a song written by Paul Rodgers and recorded by Free and “Rock And Roll Widow” a rare group penned song. The title song credited to one R. Davies, which I always though was a Kinks song, is also on Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust album. R. Davies as I found out is Ron Davies an American songwriter not Ray Davies. “Good Feeling 1957”, always a good year, and “Good Time Living” which end each of the two sides are also songs I liked. Always thought this was their best record and played it more than any other. With a gatefod cover it sounds like it’s been played a lot but no skips or any other problems. Sounds better than many newer records I have. They don’t make them like they used to.