Bought this one in ’77 when it came out. My favorite Thin Lizzy record and one of my favorite records in general. Really like this one. Two great rockers on side one “Bad Reputation” and “Opium Trail” both with good guitar solos. Another rocker “Killer Without A Cause” is on side two. The two ballad types “Southbound” and “That Womans Gonna Break Your Heart” are also good. “Dancing In The Moonlight”, not to be confused with the ’72 top 40 hit by King Harvest, was released as a single. Two more personal songs, “Dear Lord” and the wonderful “Downtown Sundown” with clarinet by John Helliwell of Supertramp are on side two. Either side is great on this record. They continued on with the trio of Phil Lynott, Brian Downey, and Scott Gorham with various other guitarists coming and going until 1986 when Lynott died at age 36 from complications related to his drug addiction. The band, led by Scott Gorham still tours occasionally but has put out no new material. The cover has a stain on it, probably bongwater.