Derek Trucks is the nephew of Butch Trucks, one of the drummers in The Allman Brothers Band. Derek joined the band in 1999 as their second guitarist. He formed the Derek Trucks band in 1994. This is their sixth and the last using that name, from early 2009. His wife Susan Tedeschi sings backup on a couple of songs and takes the lead on “Back Where I Started” In 2010 she became a full time member changing the name to Tedeschi Trucks band. Singer Mike Mattison has a soulful voice sounding at times like Joe Cocker and fits in well with their Blues and Soul sound. Derek’s slide guitar is heard on most of the tracks. Starting with a cover of Dylan’s “Down In The Flood” and playing 11 more songs this record is a Blues lovers delight. Standout tracks are “Sweet Inspiration”, “Our Love”, “Get What You Deserve” and “Back Where I Stated”. There is an untitled instrumental at the end of this vinyl edition. This two record gatefold cover has liner notes and band photos on the inside.