I bought this one in 1998 the year of its release. At that time I was living in the roach infested Cambridge Apartments in Delaware off of Gov. Prince Blvd. that were the roach infested Kynlyn Apartments of the 70’s. Another really good record although I don’t remember playing it much back then. They go further into the world of Experimental, Ambient, Progressive, and even a little World Music in a style that is today called Post-Rock. Six songs all averaging around 7 minutes sound very good after listening to this today. I will have to put this on again, I may end up liking this more than The Colour Of Spring. They put out one more record I have neverv heard before breaking up. Mark Hollis put out a solo record, Paul Webb and Lee Harris formed a band called .O.rang that put out a couple of albums that were even more experimental than Talk Talk. I have one of them on CD. Hollis died in 2019 from cancer.