I bought the next album after Crime Of The Century called Crisis. What Crisis but didn’t like it very much and sold it early on. This album is another one I taped off the radio in the early 80’s. I liked it as much as Crime Of The Century and played the tape quite a lot. Didn’t get around to buying this used copy until about 30 years ago. “Give A Little Bit” was a top 40 hit and the record became Supertramp’s biggest selling record to date. The title track was played on FM radio and is one of my favorite Supertramp songs. “Loverboy” and “Downstream” also on side one are also songs I like. “Fool’s Overture” on side two is nearly 11 minutes long and contains samples of a Churchill speech and lines from William Blake’s poem Jerusalem. It actually has two or three parts that fit together nicely. This used record is pretty scratchy but has no big issues.