The third album from this English band and the third line-up. A Dutch millionaire financed their first two records but dropped them after two unsuccessful releases. Founders Roger Hodgson and Rick Davies added three new members and this line-up lasted ten years. I had my doubts about this record as a looked at it before playing it. It had no sleeve, the original one had liner notes and lyrics, don’t know what happened to it. There were many visible scratches on it. This was another record that was played many times at the apartments I shared with three brothers and other assorted people. A great record and easily their best. With a top 40 hit “Dreamer” and two FM Rock staples “School” and “Bloody Well Right” this Prog/Pop album is well regarded by critics. Besides those three songs every other one is really good. We played both sides equally. “Asylum” and “Rudy” were also favorites of ours as well as the title track, the last on the record. There is great use of piano, guitar, sax, and harmonica throughout the record. I was pleasantly surprised that although it was pretty scratchy sounding there were no skips, pops or other noises on the record. Another nearly 50 year old record that sounds better than some new ones I have. Again, they don’t make them like they used to.