An album from Andy Summers of The Police and Robert Fripp of King Crimson from 1982. Two guitarists, both also playing synthesizers bass and percussion. 13 short instrumentals, only two over 5 minutes. Stil has the price tag from Vinyl Closet Records, $8 purchased in 2020. One I had never heard of and looked interesting. Playing it for the first time I thought it sounded good. Reminds me of the instrumental No Speak series from I.R.S. Records that were released in the 90’s. I had the first five from that series. “Under Bridges Of Silence” has some unusual percussion backed by some synth sounds. “In A Cloud Forest” features Fripp’s recognizable guitar, while “Painting And Dance” sounds like 90’s Sonic Youth. The cover is in very good shape the recor is in good shape. The two put out another record in 1984.