Another one bought in 1977 when it was released. Unfortunately it was another one that was stolen from Pyle St along with about twenty others which prompted me to move my records to a friends house for safekeeping for about six months. This copy is one I bough at Right Round records when they were still located in Robesonia before he moved to Temple. He had about three or four in the dollar bin and I picked out the best one. This one still had the poster in it. Upon playing it I found the record was in bad shape. This is the record that put Styx into the bigtime. Two singles “Come Sail Away” and “Fooling Yourself(Angry Young Man)” made the top forty but every other song on the record was heard on FM radio. “Miss America” has a great riff and “Man In The Wilderness” has some great guitar. Easily their most consistent album. I saw Styx on this tour in 1977 with Aerosmith. I went with a co-worker of the steakhouse I worked at and two waitress’s. I drove my souped up 65 Dodge Dart to the Spectrum.