Another recent purchase I bought for $3. This is a cassette my “friend” had who was staying at my parents house in 1977. He fancied he looked like Rod Stewart(he did have the hairstyle and a big nose) and played it a lot. By this time Rod had moved away from the Rock and Blues of Every Picture Tells a Story and Never A Dull Moment to a more ballad heavy and Pop sound. The first two songs “Hot Legs” and “You’re Insane” are the only two rockers on the record with “You’re Insane” being the best on the record. “Your In My Heart” is a ballad I’ve heard so many times it’s like a commercial, you just want to skip it. “Born Loose” has a Stones sound to it. Side two has more ballads “(If Loving You Is Wrong) I Don’t Want To Be Right” and “I Was Only Joking” and another Motown cover the Supremes “You Keep Me Hanging On” with a nod to Vanilla Fudge’s cover of it. I saw Rod Stewart in concert twice at the Spectrum. In 1977 I took a waitress from the steakhouse I was working at. Air Supply was scheduled to open up but thankfully for some reason they couldn’t make it. Saw him again in 1979 with another waitress I was engaged to for a short time. In both shows he kicked many soccer balls into the audience.