I started listening to Stereolab in the late 90’s. I ended up buying 14 of their CD’s and EP’s and a three CD and DVD box set which I still have. For some reason the guy who bought over 800 of my CDs in 2013 didn’t like them. In 2019 several of their albums were reissued on vinyl with an extra record of alternate mixes and demos. The store in West Chester had five of them. I wish I could have bought all five but they were $40 so I bought two. When I came back a couple months later to buy more they were all gone. I haven’t seen any aty any record store since. They are a great band and this is a great record. Stereolab uses many musical styles from Noise Rock, Post Rock, Drone, Experimental, 70’s Krautrock, to 60’s Pop. This is their second LP from 1993. They have two female singers Laetitia Sadier and Mary Hansen trading lines and singing in harmony. Some of their songs are in French as Laetitia was from in Paris. “Tone Burst has French Lyrics, “I’m Going Out Of My Way” has a Bossa Nova sound to it. “Pause” is a cool song beginning and ending with a childlike voice reciting numbers recorded off a radio. In the liner notes co-founder Tim Gane said someone told him it was a German fishing report. “Jenny Ondioline”, an 18 minute composition, is one of their best known songs with some lyrics and a couple different jams between, sounding sometimes like Sonic Youth or Mogwai. The song is named after Georges Jenny a Frenchman who invented an early synthesizer in the 1940’s called the ondioline. “Lock Groove Lullaby” the last song on side four endlessly repeats the last note. A really great sounding record, great pressing and comes with a fold out poster of the cover with lyrics and extensive liner notes from guitarist Tim Gane.