Another amazing album from Becker and Fagen. I originally had this one on cassette. Not sure why I bought a cassette back then, I only had a few, in fact I had more 8-Tracks than cassettes back then. I bought this used reissue from the 90’s at the West Reading store back when Iwas still living in West Reading. The cover and record are in very good shape. No top 40 hits from this one but many songs were heard on FM radio at the time and still are heard today. The songs are a bit longer(most over 5 minutes) and many have a more Rock sound. I Love Donald Fagen’s electric piano solo on “Your Gold Teeth” and synthesizer on “King Of The World” Guest Rick Derringer plays some mean slide guitar on “Show Biz Kids and Jeff “Skunk” Baxter some pedal steel guitar on “Pearl Of The Quarter”. “The Boston Rag” has always been one of my favorite Steely Dan songs.