Their sixth album and with the addition of full time drummer Nigel Pegrum bringing total band members to six. There are a few oddities on this one with the band singing like children on “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and the title track. The vocals are credited to an imaginary school called St. Eleye’s. Also the last track is the first modern song played by them “To Know Him Is To Love Him” written by Phil Spector with David Bowie playing sax. There are two of their better songs on here, “Thomas The Rhymer”, a single that was played on the radio, and “Seven Hundred Elves” another one of their more Rock influenced songs. I bought this used record about five years ago and knew some of the songs on it. “Drink Down The Moon” has two parts and after hearing it for the first time after buying it the second part was something I taped off the radio about 30 years ago when I was living in Philly not knowing who sang it. Another mystery solved and another record in bad shape destined for the trash.