This is their eighth album releasee in 2014. I bought it around that time at Barnes & Noble when I was living in Mohnton. It’s a limited edition on white vinyl. I played side one quite a few times back then after getting off work. Quitting time was 2:30 and since I lived less than a mile from where I worked I would havec a couple hours to drink a few beers , have a smoke and listen to some records before my wife got home around 5:30. Three songs “Do You”, “Inside Out” and “Rent I Pay” are on side one and also on yesterdays Best Of recprd. The otherv two songs on that side are also good, Listening to side two for the first time I liked it as much as side one. “Outlier” is really good and “I Just Don’t Understand” has a copyright of 1961 and was a single by Ann Margret then. Also covered by The Beatles in ’63. Overall, a really good record.